Children Are Helpers

During term time our room can get a little messy with so many toys coming in and out for us to play with.

Before we went on holidays for Easter we talked to the children about having a tidy up of our toys at the centre.  All of the children need to learn they they are responsible for helping to keep our toys clean and in the correct place.

First we cleaned up outside.  The children layed out all of the sand pit toys onto the lawn for Mrs Grant to hose.  Mrs Gayle pull all the toys out of the shed and swept.  Chelsea, Jayda and Isabel helped Mrs Grant wash the gym mats.  We all collected the rocks that had made their way around the area through out the term and put them back in the dry creek bed.  In the holidays the families are coming to put another coat of oil onto our cubby/fort.

Inside we cleaned up the home corner and put things neatly back into their containers and we restacked all of the indoor blocks onto the trolleys.

Our Pre School will be easy to clean in the holidays and we will have a tidy centre to learn in again next term.  We all appreciate a clean centre far more if we have a role in keeping it clean.

We also help cut up the fruit for Morning Tea, put the hand towels on the hooks, water the plants, tidy the mats and switch off the lights when we go out.  We are a Community of helpers at our Pre School.

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